My voice style: American-English female voice, conversational, warm, bright, pleasant, sincere, friendly, perky, comforting, sophisticated, formal, intimate, youthful, sweet, upbeat, bubbly, natural, neighborly, compassionate, engaging, and much more...
Thank you for visiting my site! I’m an Asian American voiceover artist and I’m here to help you authentically connect with your listeners to your message or content. I trained with the best coaches for various commercial styles, kids toys, ad bumpers, e-Learning, and much more!
I’m a SoCal girl with a professional and creative side. Prior to working in voice over professionally, I spent 16 years in the financial industry. When my husband and I moved from San Diego to LA, I left the financial industry and made the switch to the voice over world. Voices have fascinated me. All of our voices make each one of us unique.
While growing up, I had numerous ear infections and developed a perforated eardrum, which eventually healed - yah!! I didn’t know that everything I was hearing was autophony (the loudness of one's own voice). I thought I was very loud when I would speak, but in reality, it caused my voice to be extremely quiet. I struggled when I spoke and had no idea that my hearing issues would affect my voice so much. It wasn’t until I was working in retail and doing in-store announcements, that a little light bulb went off and the idea of using my voice professionally stuck with me. I took singing lessons on the weekends at a local college and stumbled across the voice over industry. I get to help businesses with my voice to bring their projects to life! I’ve been hooked ever since...
When I’m not doing voiceover work or creating social media content, I’m catching up on TV with my husband or traveling the world with him. We love spending time with family and friends, and searching for the next fun experience around town to share with others.
A professional voiceover talent is trained by a voiceover coach who knows the industry or genres you are looking for. Voice actors are also trained to take direction from you, the client. Listeners retain more of the information when it is delivered by a voice talent and has the listeners more engaged. Professional voiceover talents will not just read from a script. They study what needs to be conveyed so that they can deliver your message correctly or how you would like to have your copy/script delivered.
All rates are in USD Non-Union / Dry Voice only (no SFX or music).
Rates depend on usage (broadcast or non-broadcast and for how long the audio will be used for), media platform, and length.
You can also compare with GVAA and GFTB rate guides.
Please contact me for additional information.